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Key Features

  • Licensed VTC company since 2011
  • Based in Annecy - convenient for all ski resorts & airports
  • Professional drivers

Transport Licence


Allego is a french private chauffeur services company (VTC) in Annecy, Haute Savoie, which has been dedicated to providing the best travel experience to its customers since 2011, whether for airport transfers (Geneva, Lyon, Zurich, Chambery, Nice, Bordeaux, etc. ), transfers to/from the ski resorts of Megeve, Courchevel, Val d'Iseres, la Clusaz, Gstaad, Verbier, etc., or for shopping days in Annecy, Milan, Geneva, Lyon, Paris or business trips in the Alps.

Boosted by the VTC law of 2010, the business of transporting people with private chauffeur services has become a real alternative to taxi services. This service offering has been particularly well received in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and Annecy, a region whose economic and tourism vitality is driven by its proximity to Switzerland and the Geneva and Lyon Saint-Exupery airports.

It was against this backdrop that Allego was founded in Annecy in 2011, then taken over in 2018 by Julien F. Since then, the company has forged a solid reputation with a clientele of professionals and private individuals looking for private chauffeurs who are welcoming, experienced, reliable and committed to providing a quality service. In the spirit of the "voitures de grande remise", the distant ancestors of VTC, Allego intends to perpetuate this heritage of French know-how and savoir-être.

Allego's CEO, Julien F. , comes from the world of luxury hotels. After studying at the Vatel Institute in Lyon, he worked in the restaurant business in 5-star establishments, first at the InterContinental and then at La Reserve in Geneva. It was while working with a clientele of diplomats with their own chauffeurs that he was inspired to take on a new challenge, putting his passion for service and cars at the heart of his project.

Having then worked as a private chauffeur for 2 years, for individuals, Julien F. quickly acquired all the codes of the profession, ultimately very similar to his initial training, with discretion and punctuality as his watchwords. So it's no coincidence that the vision and commitments he adopts for Allego are based on strong values:


1 Purpose of the service

Allego provides its customers, individuals or professionals, with a passenger transport service upon reservation by tourist vehicle with driver.

Service: Transportation charged from Allego headquarters via pick-up location to destination.

By customer we mean any legal or natural person who concludes the transport contract.

By passenger or traveler we mean any person physically accessing Allego's services.

By driver we mean any person authorized by the Allego company to provide the transport service.

2 Access to the service

Customers wishing to use the services of the Allego company must make a request by telephone on +33 (0)4 50 11 18 48. Pre-reservation can also be made online on the website or by email at [email protected]

Reservation is required to access our vehicles.

A reservation number will be communicated to you when your order is confirmed. Access to our services entails full and unreserved acceptance of our general conditions of sale.

3 Prices

The price is established upon receipt of complete geographic and time information. It is communicated during confirmation.

The chosen route will be defined according to the “fastest route” criterion by the navigation software.

Every kilometer started is due.

The price is communicated including tax at the applicable VAT rate, i.e. 10%

Any additional stop on the journey will be charged €15 excluding tax.

Parking fees extra.

In the event of prolonged stops, and depending on the driver's availability, a supplement of €15 excluding tax per 1/4 hour will be charged.

Allego reserves the right to modify its prices without notice.

4 Payment conditions

Payment is made either at the time of booking or directly to the driver at the start or end of the trip. It is carried out by credit card or in cash.

Companies that regularly use our services and have a customer account with Allego can benefit from special payment conditions: Periodic invoicing (decade) will be issued, listing all services performed over the period in question. Payment will be made upon receipt of invoice and may under no circumstances exceed 30 days from the date of issue. Any invoice not paid upon receipt will be subject to a penalty of an amount equal to ten times the legal interest rate.

Concerning services involving several transfers (events (weddings, seminars, etc.), organized trips, etc.): a deposit of 50% of the total amount of the service is requested from the client(s), this deposit does not will not be refunded in the event of cancellation of the reservation. The remaining balance must be paid one week before the service.

5 Driver waiting conditions

It is the customer's responsibility to plan the time necessary for their travel, possible hazards, and to absolutely respect the punctuality of the appointment. Without a pick-up time defined in advance by the customer when booking, Allego reserves the right to define one as accurately as possible, but will not be held responsible in the event of a delay at the drop-off location.

For pick-ups from companies/offices/hotels/homes, 10 minutes of waiting are included, beyond that, each 1/4 hour started is due, at the rate of €15 excluding VAT per 1/4 hour. hour. After a reasonable period of 15 minutes, and without notice from the customer, the driver is released from his transport obligation and considers the reservation canceled. The service ordered will be invoiced in full, plus any waiting charges attached.

For pick-ups from airports/train stations, 30 minutes of waiting time is included from the pick-up time set when booking. Beyond that, each hour started is due and will be billed at a flat rate of €40 excluding VAT per hour started from the initial pick-up time. After a reasonable period of one hour, and without notice from the customer, the driver is released from his transport obligation and considers the reservation canceled. The service ordered will be invoiced in full, plus any waiting charges attached.

(Added to original terms by Snowcompare) - for arrival flights. 1 hour of waiting time is included with the booking. Beyond this each hour or part thereof is charged at 50€

6 Cancellations

Any cancellation must be made as soon as possible. In the event of cancellation for simple transfers: vehicles with 1 to 8 passenger seats: Up to 3 days before the theoretical departure date, no cancellation fees.

2 days before the theoretical departure date, 50% of the service will be invoiced.

1 day before the theoretical departure date, 100% of the reserved service will be invoiced. In the event of cancellation for simple transfers: vehicles with more than 8 passenger seats: Up to 3 days before the theoretical departure date, no cancellation fees. Less than 3 days before the theoretical departure date, 100% of the service will be invoiced.

In the event of cancellation for services involving several transfers (events (weddings, seminars, etc.), organized trips, etc.): Up to 3 days before the theoretical departure date, no cancellation fees. Less than 3 days before the theoretical departure date, 100% of the reserved service will be invoiced. The 50% deposit paid to validate the reservation will not be refunded.

7 Responsibility

Any complaint is only admissible if it is expressed by letter with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to the Allego headquarters within eight working days after the date of the service. Allego undertakes to do everything possible to ensure the transport of its passengers in the best possible time and safety conditions. Allego cannot be held responsible for delays due to “force majeure” linked to traffic hazards or missed appointments due to an incomplete or unspecified address, nor can it give rise to any compensation. It is up to the customer to plan the time necessary for their transport and to arrange it according to possible transport hazards. Allego is guaranteed by a notable insurance company which covers the risks linked to its activity. Passengers, third parties vis-à-vis the driver, are covered for bodily, material and immaterial damage that they could suffer during a traffic accident, since boarding the vehicle (the whole body is damaged). in the vehicle) until they get out (the whole body being outside the vehicle), except for damage caused by their fault.

In the event of damage to the equipment or vehicle caused by the passenger, any repair or change of equipment, whatever the causes, will be invoiced to the customer.

8 Baggage

In the event of baggage weighing more than 5 kg per passenger, it is essential to state this when booking.

Baggage and its contents are not the responsibility of the Allego company, particularly for valuables or fragile objects, neither during change nor during transport. Allego declines all responsibility for personal effects left in cars. The total volume of baggage must not exceed 40kg.

9 Transport security

Drivers must travel in compliance with the Highway Code. Passengers must respect the following safety rules: no smoking, drinking alcohol or eating during transport. It is also prohibited to transport flammable, toxic, explosive, corrosive products, and more generally any prohibited substance. It is forbidden to unfasten your seat belt, to become agitated, to speak to the driver, or to have any attitude likely to harm the safety of the crew and third parties.

Failure to comply with these prohibitions entails the responsibility of the customer and the passenger. Allego then reserves the right to use any type of recourse, amicable or contentious, which it deems necessary. Allego reserves the right to modify its route or cancel the trip if the safety of the passenger or driver is not guaranteed, without compensation or reimbursement possible.

10 Disputes

These General Conditions of Sale are subject to French law. The Annecy commercial court has sole jurisdiction to judge any commercial dispute or dispute.